Seniors Real Estate Specialist

As a Seniors Real Estate Specialist (SRES), Trudie has become one of a select few in the United States that has earned the coveted SRES designation. Trudie is dedicated to helping the 50+ group of people achieve their real estate goals, no matter what they are.

Age is inevitable:

*Every 7 seconds a new 50-year-old emerges. This trend will continue for the next 15 years for the 75 million baby boomers born between 1946 and 1964.

*By this year (2000) the general population growth will be 6%; however, the over 55 group will grow by 7.5%. There will be 75 million Americans over age 50!

*The younger seniors (55-65) will increase three times the national average or 18 %. *By the year 2010, one in every five Americans will be over 65.

*The fastest growing segment of the elderly population are those older than 75 with those over 85 increasing 40% by this year (2000.) *In the Twentieth century alone, the life span has risen from 47 years to 76 years of age.

*In 1960 there were 3,000 people over 100 years old; in 1997 there were 54,000 and by 2012 there will be 2.45 million!"

Source: Senior Advantage Real Estate Council

You're not as old as you used to be:

Childhood.................... Birth to 21
Adult........................... 21 to 45
Middle Age.................. 45-65
Old Age...................... 65 - Death



Childhood..................... Birth to 25
Adult............................ 25-55
Middle Age................... 65-85
Old Age....................... 85 to Death

Previous information and statistics provided by the Senior Advantage Real Estate Council